Gerrie Pretorius


Gerrie Pretorius is ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse sanger met veelvoudige goue en platinumalbums agter sy naam. Tydens sy sangloopbaan het hy die voorreg gehad om op groot verhoë en groot feeste in Suid-Afrika en ook oorsee op te tree. Sy loopbaan het in 2001 afgeskop met die groot sukses van sy eerste platinumlied, “Annemarie My Skat”, wat opgevolg is deur treffers soos “Adio Amore”, “Sewe Sondes” en “Die Stormers Song” om maar net ‘n paar te noem. Hy ontvang ook ‘n erelisensiaat met sy jazzalbum, Swing, wat opgevolg is met die reusesukses van sy Bles Bridges huldeblykalbum. Hy het verskeie opnames en konserte met oorsese kunstenaars soos Dana Winner en Christoff van België sowel as die immergewilde BZN van Nederland op sy kerfstok. Hy spog ook ‘n somertreffer in Nederland saam met Anny Schilder.

Gerrie het sy buiging al verskeie kere op plaaslike televisie gemaak in sepies en films soos Ek Lief Jou met die bekende Belgiese regisseur Ate de Jong (Miami Vice en Drop Dead Fred) aan stuur van sake.  Kurt Darren, Ilse de Vries en Christina Storm verskyn ook in laasgenoemde. Gerrie is ook bekend as entrepreneur en besigheidsman, en hy is al vir ‘n geruime tyd in die eiendomsbedryf as ontwikkelaar.

Hy is ‘n ervare avonturier/reisiger en verken gereeld lande in Afrika met sy 4 x 4. Gerrie is ook die aanbieder van die gewilde reisprogram Leef Jou Reis met Gerrie Pretorius op kykNET.

Gerrie Pretorius is a South African singer with multiple gold and platinum albums to his name. During his singing career, he had the privilege of performing on big stages and major festivals in South Africa and overseas. His career kicked off in 2001 with the great success of his first platinum song, “Annemarie My Skat”, which was followed by hits such as “Adio Amore”, “Sewe Sondes” and “Die Stormers Song” to name just a few. He also received an honorary licensee with his jazz album, Swing, which was followed up with the huge success of his Bles Bridges tribute album. He made several recordings and gave several concerts with overseas artists such as Dana Winner and Christoff from Belgium as well as the ever popular BZN from the Netherlands. He also boasts a summer hit in the Netherlands with Anny Schilder.

Gerrie has appeared numerous times on local television in soap operas and films such as Ek Lief Jou with the famous Belgian director Ate de Jong (Miami Vice and Drop Dead Fred) at the helm. Kurt Darren, Ilse de Vries and Christina Storm also appear in the latter. Gerrie is also known as an entrepreneur and businessman, and he has been in the property industry as a developer for some time.

He is an experienced adventurer/traveller and regularly explores countries in Africa with his 4 x 4. Gerrie is also the presenter of the popular travel program Leef Jou Reis met Gerrie Pretorius on kykNET.

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